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First impressions: The entrance chant

First impressions: The entrance chant

CREDIT: The Catholic Telegraph You know the old saying, You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. This maxim is important in almost every area of life, but it’s certainly true when it comes to the Mass. Liturgically, the entrance rite prepares us...
Off the muskeg, onto solid ground

Off the muskeg, onto solid ground

The Tollund Man was found in a bog. He lived during the 4th century. The responsibilities of free will have vexed man for centuries. Shortcutting across a muskeg bog during a Rocky Mountain backpacking trip is an epically bad decision. From a distance, the muskeg bog...
When did beauty become a problem?

When did beauty become a problem?

Beauty will save the world. It saved me. I was a cradle Catholic. I attended Catholic school and walked away from the church at age 15. However good or bad my reasons, there is no question that the church no longer inspired me. She no longer commanded awe, even...


If politics is downstream from culture, what’s upstream? Welcome to Bafflegab & Associates. Founded by the Bafflegab sisters, Propaganda and Censorship, the company’s success is found in a number of historic disruptions. This highly-esteemed consulting firm spans...
Just before we sing

Just before we sing

I am sitting on the stage in the first row of a large symphony chorus. The orchestra is in front of me, warming up. Everyone is playing individual passages and scales all at once. Beyond that, there’s a vast audience. There’s a low rumble as people speak...