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How to Save the Music at Mass

How to Save the Music at Mass

It’s a popular pastime for Catholics to gripe about the music at their parishes. I should know because I was among those who did so. Instead of continuing the rich tradition of producing and preserving over a millennium of beautiful Catholic music, most parishes...
The Debasement of Tolerance

The Debasement of Tolerance

Along with its sibling “diversity,” “tolerance” has achieved the status of being our culture’s reigning virtue. Given its omnipresence, it is incumbent upon us to be morally serious about its definition and character when applied in the public sphere. The current...
Ugly Buildings, Beautiful Priests

Ugly Buildings, Beautiful Priests

We have a lot of spaceship churches in these parts, here in Northern Virginia, lots of churches in the round. If they look like churches, which most of them really don’t, they look like they may have been Protestant of a certain vintage. The three local churches we...
Chicago: Where Eucharistic Revival Goes to Die

Chicago: Where Eucharistic Revival Goes to Die

For all its good intentions, the grand project of Eucharistic Revival is barely limping to its finish line. Applause is in order, for at least it noticed a precipitous loss of faith in the central mystery of Catholicism. But its cure was carefully wrapped in the naïve...
Tradition and Treachery

Tradition and Treachery

The cardinal of Chicago, Blase Cupich, has issued a directive to demand that parishioners in the archdiocese not kneel to receive Holy Communion, on the grounds that doing so interrupts the flow of the procession and calls attention to the individual. Of course,...
Is Kneeling for Communion a Disruption?

Is Kneeling for Communion a Disruption?

His Eminence Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago has recently written a letter in his archdiocesan publication discouraging the practice of kneeling for the reception of Holy Communion. Now, I state straightaway that I am not here to encourage anyone to be disrespectful...