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Has Mass begun?

Has Mass begun?

Based on a true story Cast:Non-Catholic Visitor with a Missal (NCVWM)MeCantorPriestPeopleSomeone from the backPraise band drummer NCVWM: When does Mass start? Me: Pretty soon. Organist finishes up prelude. Most people have gathered for Mass. The choir begins to sing...
Fiddling while Rome burns

Fiddling while Rome burns

The myth goes that Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned. In reality, the fiddle as we know it hadn’t been invented. Fiddle while Rome burns, has come to mean neglecting one’s duties while instead doing something frivolous. In fact, the word “fiddling” has...
Fear Not with Sigrid Weidenweber

Fear Not with Sigrid Weidenweber

ChantWorks presents Fear Not. Host Linda Hoffman speaks with Author and Speaker, Sigrid Weidenweber.   Transcript: FEAR NOT interview. Linda Hoffman with Sigrid Weidenweber, recorded September 23, 2021 (music, intro) Linda Hoffman: As in the Russian Revolution,...
Are we smarter than St. Thomas Aquinas?

Are we smarter than St. Thomas Aquinas?

Easy question. Easy answer. No. We are not smarter than St. Thomas Aquinas. Bad news recently hit the USCCB (U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops). Sixty-seven percent of self-identified Catholics don’t believe in the Real Presence Doctrine (Pew Research). How was this a...
Fear Not with Father Anthony Giampietro

Fear Not with Father Anthony Giampietro

ChantWorks presents Fear Not. Host Linda Hoffman speaks with Father Anthony Giampietro, president of the St. Anselm’s Abbey School. Transcript: FEAR NOT interview. Linda Hoffman with Father Anthony Giampietro, recorded...
Exit ramp under construction?

Exit ramp under construction?

California freeways are a handy metaphor for worrisome situations and difficult choices: traffic-choked, pockmarked with potholes, and lined with litter. Exit ramps shoot off in all directions. Take a wrong turn, and you might end up practically anywhere. Serene...
The Fourth Gospel

The Fourth Gospel

In the extraordinary form of the Latin rite, it is customary to read the prologue to the Gospel of John at the end of Mass. Some think this is not only unnecessary, but liturgically nonsensical. After all, the end of the Mass has already been announced and the...
Meeting people where they are

Meeting people where they are

We should meet people where they are is one of the most common reasons given for the secular-sounding popular music we hear at Mass. You can’t feed a baby steak, is a reason given to provide children’s Masses with music that is modeled on pre-school television...