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Response to Fr. McTeigue:  A Convert’s View

Response to Fr. McTeigue: A Convert’s View

Three cheers for Fr. McTeigue! His description of St. Typical’s was spot on! Parishes thrive or stumble toward closure for reasons that are obvious and straightforward, provided we’re willing to see what’s right in front of us. No more excuses! Talking around in...
Are we smarter than St. Thomas Aquinas?

Are we smarter than St. Thomas Aquinas?

Easy question. Easy answer. No. We are not smarter than St. Thomas Aquinas. Bad news recently hit the USCCB (U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops). Sixty-seven percent of self-identified Catholics don’t believe in the Real Presence Doctrine (Pew Research). How was this a...
Exit ramp under construction?

Exit ramp under construction?

California freeways are a handy metaphor for worrisome situations and difficult choices: traffic-choked, pockmarked with potholes, and lined with litter. Exit ramps shoot off in all directions. Take a wrong turn, and you might end up practically anywhere. Serene...
Off the muskeg, onto solid ground

Off the muskeg, onto solid ground

The Tollund Man was found in a bog. He lived during the 4th century. The responsibilities of free will have vexed man for centuries. Shortcutting across a muskeg bog during a Rocky Mountain backpacking trip is an epically bad decision. From a distance, the muskeg bog...