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Christmas Treasures

Christmas Treasures

I saw a funny meme online the other day: “If you get something you don’t like for Christmas, just say, ‘Oh, I’ll treasure this forever,’ and then be like a pirate and bury it somewhere.” I then recalled how the Church, in the documents of Vatican II, called its...
A Meditation on Three Christmas Songs

A Meditation on Three Christmas Songs

Away in a Manger In Luke’s gospel, the angel appears to the shepherds and announces that a Savior has been born, and that they will find him wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Why did the angel appear to the shepherds, and why did he bother to mention...
It’s OK to Be a Liturgy Nerd

It’s OK to Be a Liturgy Nerd

There is hardly anything quite as exciting as reading liturgical instructions. Some might think that attention to liturgical details is of no concern to ordinary Catholics. This apparent pickiness might even be an impediment to faith, recalling Jesus’ stern criticism...
Has Mass begun?

Has Mass begun?

Based on a true story Cast:Non-Catholic Visitor with a Missal (NCVWM)MeCantorPriestPeopleSomeone from the backPraise band drummer NCVWM: When does Mass start? Me: Pretty soon. Organist finishes up prelude. Most people have gathered for Mass. The choir begins to sing...
Fiddling while Rome burns

Fiddling while Rome burns

The myth goes that Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned. In reality, the fiddle as we know it hadn’t been invented. Fiddle while Rome burns, has come to mean neglecting one’s duties while instead doing something frivolous. In fact, the word “fiddling” has...