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Devoted to preserving the Church’s tradition of sacred music, the men’s choral vocal ensemble Floriani has sung at Masses and concerts in shrines, basilicas and cathedrals across the United States. This summer, they sang before thousands of pilgrims during Eucharistic...
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Everyone expected massive demonstrations after the election, no matter who won. It didn’t happen. I suspect no one is disappointed. But I am disappointed that there was no dancing in the streets. Is that considered uncivil for elections? All elections, or just this...
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In the largest survey of American Catholics ever conducted, vast numbers of the faithful blame Communion in the hand, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, and homosexuality among the clergy as the most powerful reasons for lack of faith in the Eucharist. On Tuesday,...
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Although the conservative provocateur Matt Walsh tried to go for something different with his new documentary Am I Racist?, it’s impossible not to see the film as a kind of sequel to his first documentary, What Is a Woman? True, in this one he dons a wig and becomes a...
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AS A STUDENT OF MUSIC, I was frequently plagued with a sense of anxiety that the work I had set about was a disposable “extra” or nicety. It seemed to me that, while society would be crippled without farmers, physicians, construction workers, or engineers, there would...